Wednesday 15 August 2012

10 day 'you' challenge #10

So I've seen this little challenge on various blogs including Jayde's and Vicky's and thought it would be a nice way to get in to the swing of blogging and also give you a little insight in to my life!

#10 secrets #9 loves ♦ #8 fears ♦ #7 wants ♦ #6 places ♦ #5 foods ♦ #4 books ♦ #3 films ♦ #2 songs ♦ #1 picture of yourself ♦

Now I don't really have many secrets and any I do have I'd rather not share with the whole internet so I'll try and think of 10 (vaguelly) interesting things you may not know about me.

1. I am the youngest of four. My parents are still together so I grew up in a rather hectic home! It wasn't always fun or easy but I loved it and I wouldn't change it for anything (although I did always want a baby brother or sister). Having 3 siblings is the best thing especially when we're all together as now we're grown up we're all fairly spread out and it's made me want to have a big family when I (hopefully) have one.

 2. I've lived in the same house for nearly 18 years. It's nothing amazingly special but it's a good size and I absolutely love it because I've grown up here and it's the only home I can remember. I've occupied 3 of the 5 bedrooms throughout my time here so it's not felt like I've been just been stuck in the same place. My current room is my favourite place in the world and I actually redecorated it all by myself last summer. I'm so attached to this house I've told my parents they're never allowed to move!

3. I love sports and have done for as long as I can remember. I was a bit of a tomboy when I was little, still am really, and as soon as I could I was taking part in all kinds of sports. Athletics, football, rounders - you name it, I've most probably tried it! I trained and competed in athletics for the majority of my life until various circumstances meant I had to stop. I haven't done much this past year but my goal for this year is to get back in to regular sports.

4. I absolutely adore animals, pigs and giraffes are particular favourites. We had guinea pigs (6 at one point!) for a good few years when I was younger which I absolutely loved and I then had a hamster for 3 years. Unfortunately my mum suffers from fairly severe asthma so we weren't allowed any cats or dogs and I'm living in student housing so have to wait till I get my own place to have any more pets :(.

5. Just like my mum, I've also suffered from asthma my whole life. This isn't interesting in the slightest but it's a fairly large part of my life which affects me on a daily basis - can't got anywhere without my inhaler!

6. I can't drive. Despite being 20 I have never had any driving lessons, I even only got my provisional license when I needed it for ID. This is due to lack of wanting however, I simply haven't been able to afford it yet. I'm planning on hopefully finally learning next summer, best get saving.

7. I have 13 piercings and 2 tattoos. I've had 19 piercings in total but the other 6 have either grown out or I've taken them out. I also have a lot more tattoos planned and will hopefully be getting my next one in the next couple of months.

8. I am a collecting/hoarding/organising freak! I love to collect things and find it really hard to throw anything away. Although I have got better in the past few years as my room was getting just a little too cluttered. Organising is actually one of my favourite things to do (hiya weirdo) and I am forever making lists and sorting anything I can get my hands on.

9. I am a self confessed One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy addict. These are definitely two of my favourite TV shows (along with Gavin & Stacey and Scrubs) and I really need to complete my boxset collections with the most recent seasons. I never tire of watching them and the number of times I've watched them from start to finish is just a little ridiculous really.

10. I almost never wear make up during the day time. With the exception of a bit of concealer every now and then, unless it's a special occasion/I want to make a good impression I just don't bother. This may seem strange to most of you ladies but I haven't for about 4 years now. I think it stems from pure laziness tbh! I don't have the worst face in the world (I hope!) and through 6th form I wouldn't get out of bed any earlier than absolutely necessary and I'd known everyone for a good 5 years already so I just got in to a habit that's carried on in to university. Don't worry though, I won't go on a night out without 'putting my face on'!

Sorry for the rather text heavy post but there you go, you know a little more about me. Please let me know if you're taking part in this challenge too, I'd love to check them out.


  1. Wish I could be as organised as you lol
    Definitely gonna try this, looks fun :)

    1. Unfortunately my laziness sometimes gets the better of me and my organising never goes beyond the list making!

      Definitely do :) and send me a link so I can check it out :) x

    2. Aw sounds a bit like me, when I get round to making lists at least :P

      Well I did it :) --->

      And I think I love this challenge already lol

    3. Ahh great, I'll check it out now :) x
