Sunday 24 February 2013

Film || Your Sister's Sister.

I recently made a watchlist on imdb of approximately a billion films and so I've watched a fair number of really good films the past couple of weekends

This particular film was also recommended by my friend who has really similar taste to me and I absolutely loved it. Emily Blunt is fast becoming one of my favourite actresses. She, Duplass & DeWitt all deliver brilliant performances and it made me cry just the right amount.

Seriously though, just watch this film.

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Barnesy! And greetings from California. I am a first time visitor. I also love movies and have my own list of greats and must sees. So I think its great to hear from others what I should see and what I'm missing. So great job!
    I also write a blog. I write about food but with my reflections on relationships, friendships, and family. Please visit. Maybe follow. That would be cool.
