Tuesday 11 September 2012

Never Let Me Go.

I actually received this book as a gift at Christmas but what with university and work commitments it's taken me a long time to start reading it properly. It is a wonderfully written book with an interesting storyline. It's also been adapted in to a film so here's the trailer which will no doubt do a better job of describing the book than me!

What have you been reading recently? Any book recommendations?

This is a scheduled post - I am on holiday 7th -14th and without internet until the 25th. I will do my best to post and reply to comments if and when I can!


  1. This film is so amazing, I'm still waiting to read the book! Let me know what it's like. I've recently been reading One Day and By Light Alone :) xo

    1. One day's next on my list to read :). I've not heard of By Light Alone, I'll have to check it out! xo

  2. I read this recently too and really enjoyed it. A lot of people who love the book think the film didn't live up to it but I actually think it's a good film and well worth watching. I've written about both on my blog :) x

    1. I actually saw the film before I realised it was a book and I absolutely loved it - it's what made me want to read it :). Love your blog!! xo
