Sunday 27 January 2013

30 things before I'm 30.

Hello! I am back from my brief hiatus thanks to exams (6 exams in 2 weeks is not my idea of a good time).

I am forever writing lists of anything & everything. I recently turned 21 about 2 weeks ago & thought I'd write a sort of bucket list of things I'd like to do/achieve before I turn 30.

1: learn to drive/own a car.

2: get married/start a family.

3: get a degree.

4: learn an instrument.

5: learn a foreign language.

6: own an awesome record collection.

7: learn photography/own a dslr.

8: visit all the continents and all the countries in Europe.

9: give blood.

10: own my own cat/dog.

11: buy a house.

12: get tattoo #3

13: go to Coachella/a festival abroad.

14: go on a road trip.

15: learn to juggle.

16: go skydiving.

17: learn to ride a horse.

18: go on a hot air balloon ride somewhere beautiful.

19: fly in a helicopter. 

20: see the Northern Lights.

21: ride a camel/elephant.

22: learn to surf. 

23: visit a rainforest & go on safari

24: be first aid qualified.

25: learn sign language.

26: attend Sundance film festival

27: learn to skateboard.

28: learn to ski.

29: spend a weekend at a spa.

30: knit a jumper! 

Are you a list lover too? Have you made a similar list to this?


  1. I am a big lister! And this has made me want to write my own version of this. Love it!
    As well as your blog!!!

  2. haha I've done one of these things too!
